machine learning

Recreation: Queen Elizabeth Park


Queen Elizebeth Park

Vancouver, Canada

The installation Recreation includes 10 independent audio channels spread around the old quarry in Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver. Each of the audio channels is a separate soundscape composition referencing to the various utilities of the site since colonization. These compositions are generated by Audio Metaphor from excerpts of text related to the moments in time. Below is the artist statement and excepts from the 10 texts.

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Exhibited at the MUMEWE as part of ISEA 2013

Sydney, Australia.


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Impress: a machine learning approach to audio affect prediction



Soundscape Composition is the artistic processing and combination of sound recordings used to trigger associations and memories in a listener. Impress was designed to predict affect of soundscapes, at interactive speeds.
Impress was motivated by the lack of any measurement tool to aid soundscape performers in eliciting intended responses from listeners.

Impress facilitates the acquisition of audio training data from real-world environments. Moreover, it was designed to provide performers autonomous indication of affect during live performance along two axes of pleasantness and eventfulness.

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