
CCID 200: Community Projects

This studio course offers students the opportunity to collaborate on a directed studies project initiated by a public interest organization such as a non-profit community group, charity, or a Non-Governmental Organization (an NGO). Projects may include websites, three-dimensional displays, community art projects, or customized visual presentations which may have elements from every discipline, including English and Critical Studies. Students from all year levels may take this course which models collaboration and vertical learning where knowledge and skills are shared among students, faculty, external research partners, and community group representatives.


Completion of 21 credits. Repeatable for credit.

Number of Credits: 
Repeatable for Credit: 

There are no upcoming course sections for this course.

Green Walls Favela Art- Museo de Favela, Rio de Janeiro, August/2014


The Green Walls Favela Art project commemorates the visit of members of ICOM (International Council of Museums) to Museo de Favela--AUGUST, 2013.

During the month of April 2014, five artists living in the favela Contagalo, created this unique outdoor gallery.  Professor Emeritus, Emily Carr University of Art and Design—Vancouver, Britrish Columbia, Canada curated the project-installation. The "team" visited Rio Botanical Gardens and learned about growing plants in repurposed plastic containers and disgarded coconuts from the beaches of Rio de Janeiro.  Artists created large format paintings that included spaces to contain plants. Hence, "Green Walls Favela Art" installations.

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Natural Capital- Beaches



This project was done in collaboration with the David Suzuki Foundation and the Golf of Georgia Cannery as well as the OCAD University in Toronto. The project was meant to campaign the natural capital provided by beaches in the greater Vancouver area. This part of the collaboration dealt with bringing awareness to the tower beach portion of Wreck Beach as a Historic site. Nature is not only filled with innumerable environmental benefits but it also becomes a space of social and cultural significance. This project achieved by extensive research and community outreach. The greater piece of work includes eight interview videos, all with different subjects on individual Vancouver beaches. 

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