
CCID 300: Community Projects

This studio course offers students the opportunity to collaborate on a directed studies project initiated by a public interest organization such as a non-profit community group, charity, or a Non-Governmental Organization (an NGO). Projects may include websites, three-dimensional displays, community art projects, or customized visual presentations which may have elements from every discipline, including English and Critical Studies. Students from all year levels may take this course which models collaboration and vertical learning where knowledge and skills are shared among students, faculty, external research partners, and community group representatives.

CCID 300 SU03C + CCID 400 SU01D, Fieldwork: Topics (3)


Completion of 21 credits

Number of Credits: 
Repeatable for Credit: 

There are no upcoming course sections for this course.

Pronto: An App For Community Engagement



A recent study by the Vancouver Foundation found that social isolation was the single largest concern for residents in the Lower Mainland. Furthermore, many individuals living in Metro Vancouver are "retreating from community life" (Vancouver Foundation, 2012).

As designers, we hoped to capture an opportunity to help eliminate social isolation through encouraging users to engage within their communities while also providing an accessible and convenient method to do so. It's getting out into the community and taking part in social activities that sparks engagement and creates the possibility of change. As a result, we created Pronto: an app that personally invites users to local, real-time events that mach their specific interests.  


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Vancouver Convention Centre's Living Roof



I wanted to direct the story of the site in a way that it highlights its contribution to the present community in Vancouver as well as reflect the importance of what once was on this site. For years, the Convention Centre has been a key icon for Vancouver’s International Relations. The Convention Centre’s construction further redefined itself among the International Community by integrating the largest living non-industrial living roof on their building.

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Natural Capital- Beaches



This project was done in collaboration with the David Suzuki Foundation and the Golf of Georgia Cannery as well as the OCAD University in Toronto. The project was meant to campaign the natural capital provided by beaches in the greater Vancouver area. This part of the collaboration dealt with bringing awareness to the tower beach portion of Wreck Beach as a Historic site. Nature is not only filled with innumerable environmental benefits but it also becomes a space of social and cultural significance. This project achieved by extensive research and community outreach. The greater piece of work includes eight interview videos, all with different subjects on individual Vancouver beaches. 

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Helioshade is a kinetic shading device design by Jesi Carson, King Tang, Jeremy Katich, Jennifer Chung & Jordi Vilanova for the Kinetic Architecture course offered by the University of Oregon instructed by Stephen Duff. 

+ Interior shading devices do not prevent entry of solar radiation
+ Static, exterior vertical louvers are often inadequate, requiring structurally implausible depths or sacrificing views

+ Limit the amount of solar radiation on West and East facing facades
+ Provide unobstructed views
+ Harness reflective northern light

+ Precedent research
+ Sketch models
+ 3D screen-based modelling & shadow studies
+ Solar gain calculation

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Sticker branding for Pivot Legal Society's 'YIMBY: Yes in my backyard campaign'.

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