
Part of Our Lives - Lou



Voice over by the talented Lou Papa!
Lou doesn't really use that much hair product, he's got it going on naturally, haha.

Final project for 2D Animation II at ECUAD
We had to animate to an interview with one of our classmates talking about their hair. Also, our characters had to be monsters! So much fun and so many good ideas :D

Anyway, it was really fun to make, and I'm quite happy with how it's looking.

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Wander Happens


This was an unfinished piece that I submitted with two other pieces for Creative Processes class, and I later completed these pieces.

The goal was to create characters based on music: This character was created from the song Things (That Happen to You) by Frivolous.

To the right is the process involved in creating Wander Happens, with color tests, character references, rough sketches, and shape references.

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This was an unfinished piece that I submitted with two other pieces for Creative Processes class, and I later completed these pieces.

The goal was to create characters based on music: This character was created from the song Exo-politics by Muse.

To the right is the process involved in creating the Exo-Politician, with color tests, existing character references, rough sketches, and object/shape references.

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Man in the Machine


A drawing illustrating the toxic, apocalyptic evils of man's machines -- machines that man has no longer any control of, having taken on personnalities of their own.

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T.O.M.M. (Time Obsession Monster-Machine)


Result of a creative process class project where we were required to find an older piece of technology, analyse and study it, pretend that we were studying an antient lost civilization with it. From that, we were to make conclusions about that society's behaviours, habits, beliefs, etc...

Using that deduced information, we had to deconstruct our chosen object and make something with it that demonstrated that society.

I had an 80's radio alarm-clock. I concluded that that society must have been obsessed with time and staying in contact.

So I turned the clock into a festering, crazy-looking worm-thing!

Makes sense right?

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Cavern Soul


This was an unfinished piece that I submitted with two other pieces for Creative Processes class, and I later completed these pieces.

The goal was to create characters based on music: This character was created from the song Cave by Muse.

To the right is the process involved in creating the Cavern Soul, with color tests, silhouette thumbnails, and rough sketches.

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