
Imaging Vancouver



Imaging Vancouver is a complimentary project to the performance work Mesoshpere.  Imaging Vancouver is a further investigation to the intersections between body, environment, and technology. Specifically, to explore relationships between individual identity and place through technology mediated representations. 

Participants are invited to interact with the system.  A persons body in space is mapped using the Kinect 3D capture camera.  The depth map data is combined with pixel information from video footage of street level activity in Vancouver.  The resulting artifact, somewhat reminisce of the brain scans reading peoples dreams, is the viewers body seen as individual of components of the video, like a real-time stencil.

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Made in collaboration with Barbara Ipsics at the Royal Academy of Art in Den Haag, The Netherlands.

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This is my documentary



A documentary made on my exchange at the Royal Academy of Art in Den Haag, the Netherlands.

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The Exchange Show 2010



A brand for an art show featuring the works of students who had recently completed student exchange programs. A concept for branding was created in collaboration with Nicole Pizarro and Yuriy Rzhemovskiy. Photos were collected from participants from their exchanges, and placed into 3/4 squares, representing the unfinished feeling of an exchange student. Each image is captioned with the location of each photograph, and each shape is oriented on a virtual compass to point from Vancouver to that location. The final concept featured invitations, screen-printed and digitally printed posters, exhibition design and motion graphics.

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Enchanted Karaoke

It It and the Gimme Box

Breath I/O



Breath I/O Team

Maria Lantin  (Emily Carr University)
Leila Sujir (Concordia University)
Joy James (Emily Carr University)
Ron Burnett (Emily Carr University)

Project blog

Summary of Project

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Dario Argento Video Mashup


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VERB WOMAN: A Dance of Forgetting



Verbs from everyday gestures, Alzheimers patients & performance art were combined with video and choreography-by-chance dance employing aktion-cards to explore our shared disintegration of memory, technology, history … like sand slipping through an open hand.

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