
Collages (2009-2012)


Collages I've done in the past few years

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Books I have made



Examples of several books I have made recently. The trip books have screen printed covers, the contents are typewriter text and in some, photocopies of photos from travels throughout the United States. I like to bring elements of zine aesthetic into my book work and I always enjoy placing emphasis on the handmade, despite my knowledge of Photoshop and other computer programs for making book layout and design. In a lot of these projects the process of building and planning a book by hand is in itself a big part of the work. As such, these books are unique records of the experience of the artist, as well as the process of recording that experience - and the transformation that occurs when personal moments, memories and knowledge are preserved on the page and then revealed to others.

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Past and Future Vancouver



The design solution chosen to depict Vancouver's past and future through the use of Photoshop collaging was created in an attempt to portray Vancouver's historically beautiful landscape and natural scenery juxtaposed against the harsher industrial reality which Vancouver currently displays, and that will only worsen with time. The first poster has a focus on the future interpretation of Vancouver, using enlarged pictures of industrial scenery including metal sheeting for walls, dark concrete bridges and a jumble of telephone and bus wires in the sky.

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Burning Chrome

Self Portrait

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Captain Hook


Captain Hook, for Illustration class.
Popsicle sticks, cutout paper, photoshop, watercolours, and whatnot! 

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The Peacock Report: Interview Types.




A redesign of "The Peacock Report: Interview Types" looks at the challenges of the unexpected in intervewing. By combing useful text and obsure collages, "The Peacock Report" becomes much more than a reference dilving unto the realm of the uncounsious and the unknown.

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New Media Quilts



Digital quilts created using collage.

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