Advanced Typography



We had to re-imagine an existing magazine, book, website, etc. and change its visual language and/or medium for a typography class with Peter Cocking. I chose BOP Magazine, a trashy teenie bopper magazine which has misguided advice on how to talk to your crush as well as boring gossip about tween stars I've never even heard of. It was fun. 

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The Forgotten & Resurrected Ligature


As my entry for a class run 'Pop-Up Museum of Typographie' I chose to direct my attention to the underappreciated typographic ligature. Through two specimen posters and a short collection of essays, my goal was to raise awareness about the ligature's role in typographic history, as well as their modern usage. 

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Alcuin Book Awards



A poster for the 29th annual Alcuin Awards for Excellence in Book Design.

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Vancouver International Film Festival (VIFF) 2011 Identity System


The objective of this project was to create an identity system for VIFF through the design of a wordmark/logo and other brand collaterals.


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