design for health

Design Research: Methods & Findings for Health Care Environments


This design research project was comissioned by Vancouver Coastal Health in collaboration with IBI Architects to assess usability, function and user flow of the Lions Gate Hospital Foyer. I worked with, then 4th year, ID students Irene Schmid and Jesse Mah. ID student, Solveig Johannesen, also contributed at the beginning of the project. The team designed and implemented a series of research methods intended to inform recommendations for a re-design of the foyer space. Our findings report is available at the Emily Carr University Library, and a praxis paper that I authored was published in the 2012 issue of Current and can be read here

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Prescription Drug Label Redesign



My 4th year senior design project, which aims to re-design the way we handle prescription drug labeling in Canada. 

Inspired by Deborah Adler and her journey to design a new drug container and label as her major thesis project. I decided to set out to do a similar project for use in Canada.

The main redesign focuses on keeping everything low cost and easy for adoption. The design utilizes a similar footprint as the current drug labels being printed, but now there is a heirarchy established through contrast in type weight and size.

All these simple changes combine in a big way to make reading drug labels much simpler and streamlined.

Information where you want it, when you need it.

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