design research

Design Research: Methods & Findings for Health Care Environments


This design research project was comissioned by Vancouver Coastal Health in collaboration with IBI Architects to assess usability, function and user flow of the Lions Gate Hospital Foyer. I worked with, then 4th year, ID students Irene Schmid and Jesse Mah. ID student, Solveig Johannesen, also contributed at the beginning of the project. The team designed and implemented a series of research methods intended to inform recommendations for a re-design of the foyer space. Our findings report is available at the Emily Carr University Library, and a praxis paper that I authored was published in the 2012 issue of Current and can be read here

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Current / Design Research Journal for Emily Carr University of Art + Design


The university produces an annual research journal called Current with the The university produces an annual research journal called Current with the purpose of sharing articles by both faculty and students that discuss design research at Emily Carr.  This large team project resulted in the third edition of both a print and digital publication.

As a co-art director I worked to guide the publication toward visually dynamic shapes and editorial photography, to improve upon the areas that were lacking in the volume before. I wanted to capture the vibrant design research community at Emily Carr and created dynamic, academic, and engaging set of publications to express this.

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Current Design Research Journal


"Emily Carr University of Art + Design is proud to announce the launch of the inaugural issue of CURRENT, an academic journal intent on demystifying the design process. As an established centre for research and innovation, Emily Carr contributes to the critical dialogue regarding the role of the designer and design methodology. CURRENT is an invaluable, sustainable contribution to an ongoing discourse on the significance of elucidating this process.

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Have Cafe - Rebrand Concept


This was a first semester 3rd year Core Studio project. The goal was to create a redesign for a restaurant that exists in Vancouver, BC. The choice was ours as to which restaurant to focus on and in my search I discovered HAVE Cafe. 

This cafe is both a charity and training institute on the Downtown East-side of Vancouver. From a re-brand perspective the challenge came in addressing all of the facets of this entity within its brand.

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