Have Cafe - Rebrand Concept


This was a first semester 3rd year Core Studio project. The goal was to create a redesign for a restaurant that exists in Vancouver, BC. The choice was ours as to which restaurant to focus on and in my search I discovered HAVE Cafe. 

This cafe is both a charity and training institute on the Downtown East-side of Vancouver. From a re-brand perspective the challenge came in addressing all of the facets of this entity within its brand.

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a conduit for conversation



This work represents the development and use of methodologies that serve to engage a hard to reach user-group. The outcome of these interactions revealed insightful information about the physical and psychological effects of drug use on both the immediate experience and the long term development of an individual entrenched in hard substance abuse. The value of this information lies in its potential to inform the physical environment of a facility that meets the specific needs of this user group.

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