Vancouver Coastal Health

Design Research: Methods & Findings for Health Care Environments


This design research project was comissioned by Vancouver Coastal Health in collaboration with IBI Architects to assess usability, function and user flow of the Lions Gate Hospital Foyer. I worked with, then 4th year, ID students Irene Schmid and Jesse Mah. ID student, Solveig Johannesen, also contributed at the beginning of the project. The team designed and implemented a series of research methods intended to inform recommendations for a re-design of the foyer space. Our findings report is available at the Emily Carr University Library, and a praxis paper that I authored was published in the 2012 issue of Current and can be read here

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Clean Before You Cross: Campaign for Vancouver Coastal Health


This team project, with Katie Blank and Tia Blunden, for Vancouver Coastal Health, was intended to help boost hand hygiene compliance among hospital staff and visitors alike. The concept for the campaign centers around the idea of implying a physical barrier between the hospital and the outside world implying that the former is clean and the latter... not so much. When people enter the hospital, they cross a blue line that reminds them to “Clean Before You Cross” with sanitization stations close at hand to provide the necessities for compliance. Additional promotional material is used throughout the hospital to maintain the need for hand hygiene using direct language and a bit of wit to remind everyone to clean their hands.

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Blue Line Campaign


The Blue Line Campaign was a co-creation project done in conjunction with Vancouver Coastal Health, with a team consisting of Tia Blunden, Caitrin Wootton, and myself. The objective of our project was to improve hospital hand hygiene, and therefore decrease the occurrence of hospital-acquired infections.

Existing efforts to enforce hand hygiene were confusing and inconsistent throughout the facilities. Our campaign sought to keep language and aesthetic simple, but bold enough to capture the attention of otherwise busy visitors and employees. The campaign is very versatile and can accommodate a variety of messages while remaining cohesive.

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