
Cordova: Research Project on Coffee Cup


It is a little known fact that the first extra-american expansion that Starbucks made was into Vancouver where the company set up a small shop inside Waterfront Station which happens to stand on the base of Granville and Cordova Streets. Vancouver boasts a voraciousness for coffee matched only by its neighbors in Seattle. Reverence for this humble bean is definitely a west coast thing.

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The Peacock Report: Interview Types.




A redesign of "The Peacock Report: Interview Types" looks at the challenges of the unexpected in intervewing. By combing useful text and obsure collages, "The Peacock Report" becomes much more than a reference dilving unto the realm of the uncounsious and the unknown.

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Design Research Initiative: Pulse Energy


I collaborated with one of Pulse's interaction designers to design a research protocol and framework that could be applied to the diverse client base using the energy management software. We focused on a key client to test the concept in order to gain insight into user experience. From these outcomes, the Pulse team can now replicate the process, which will aid in designing solutions that account for the human and technical impacts of developments in the software.

Pulse Energy

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Current Design Research Journal


I wrote an article and guest edited ECUAD's inaugural issue of Current Design Research Journal. My focus in research relates to human-centered process and a posture of co-design when working with communities who are often overlooked or misrepresented in design activities.

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Visual Rhetoric | drawing-based research


Drawing-based research on visual synthesis by Vjeko Sager


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Research Case Study: Human Centered Design Process



IDEO used this part of my design research to highlight a best practice when it comes to working with users, specifically those who do not speak the same language or share the same technologies. This work allowed for a needs and aspirations assessment prior to designing a solution for a rural village in Rwanda.

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Maraya Projects Research Document

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