digital art

Chatter and Listening: For three or more bird boxes


Chatter and Listening: For three bird boxes, is an interactive installation using a distributed network of sounding robots. The behaviour of the robots emerges from a multi-agent system modelled after a bird behaviours. The installation comprises of three bird boxes with electronics and audio, located in a small grove of trees. These objects act as single entities; they can create decisions, observe their environment and operate alone. They also act in the narrative of a colony where each agent is guided in behaviour by the state of the colony and its surrounding environment. 

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Composing you


Concept Artist – Judy Jheung
Hardware and ios development – Miles Thorogood
Sound Design – Miles Thorogood
Composition – Gary McFarland

site, sound, touch: Composing You, an interactive outdoor project, engages community park goers in a multitude of ways. An experiential sonic walk encompasses ephemeral moments of past, present and future in Beacon Hill Park, using personal mobile phones and GPS to locate plants hanging from designated trees. Sound and light will activate the moment plants are touched. A personal musical composition will be formed depending on individual navigation routes.

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Super-Deformed 2007 Lamborghini Gallardo



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Book cover design and illustration



I have been doing more painting for book covers rather than just finding stock images or doing a flat drawing in Illustrator. For both of these book covers, I designed the graphics in Illustrator to get client approval, then created a mixed media painting based on the Illustrator layout and using digital printouts. In the end, all was scanned in again and digitally manipulated.

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Everywhere and All at Once



“Everywhere and All at Once” is a loop video projected on a 3’ x 4’ table. This video reveals four people, two males and two females, all wearing red nail polish and playing mahjong. The viewers are encouraged to sit on the chairs to experience the installation.


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