
PREFAB 20*20: International Architectural Competition


Prefab 20*20: Visions for 400 SF Homes, is an international open ideas competition organized by Architecture For Humanity Vancouver, Architectural Institute of British Columbia, Interior Design Show West 2009, and sponsored by Azure Magazine,

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Robbinson Tiling Wall Mugs


Robbinson Tiling Wall mugs are designed with Cafes in mind. Using only standard 1/2" dowels the cups can be hung to cover entire walls and act as interactive interior architecture and as convenient and unobtrusive storage.

Customers may remove a cup from the wall, bring it to the barrista and have it filled over and over again. At the table, the hole in the mug handle may be used to hold a spoon. After use the mugs may be washed and hung back in place to drip dry until the next thirsty customer is ready for a hot beverage.


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The Charlattan Light fixtures


Interior ligthing fixtures designed and installed at The Charlattan Restaurant & Bar on Commercial Drive and Grant. This was one of the fruits of my ongoing internship with Scott Cohen Design, a local architecture office.

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PREFAB 20*20: International Architectural Competition: AfterShow Opening Comments


Emily Carr University in the south building atrium, February 10-24, 2010. Opening remarks for Prefab 20*20: The Aftershow. Prefab 20*20 challenged designers to propose a free-standing, prefabricated 400sf home for an urban setting anywhere in the world.

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Dodging Fences - Flythrough near Granville and Robson.


Final project for XSI Essentials with Thomas Groppi.

Based on a location at the corner of Robson and Granville, this flythrough demonstrates what happens when someone who loves building maquettes decides to see how many polys XSI can crunch and still run smoothly.

The end result is a fully modeled chain-link fence topped with a double helix of barbed wire that weighs in at 656k triangles.

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