
Map of Roma


Ancient map of Roma- the backdrop to a design map book/poster.


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Ca t'en bouche un coin!


Packaging project developed in my packaging class at Universite du Quebec a Montreal. The stripe system helps the user to get just as much peanuts as you need. The name "Ça vous en bouche un coin!" is a play on words meaning: "stand open-mouthed", but also: "you are fed".

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Illustration for Elysium Publication

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Album: Created by clicks



Design&Digital work

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Album: "black's the TRADITIONAL"


A collection of works created with traditional processes/material.

For what it's worth:
All we buy are the bottles but they end up in the landfill so why must we spend so much on water that claims to give you nutrition.


Escapee: Outer shell has to break eventually. It leaks out like waste and oozes to form a monster. Resist the temptations of recoil and push through the past, present, and future. Only you can save yourself from your own monster.


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