
Road Harmony



This is a multimedia campaign created in order to help educate cyclists about road rules. While being informative at the core, the work aims to be open ended at the beginning and inpire curiosity from both cyclists and drivers.

Core Studio, Don Williams, 2010

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2001 A Space Odyssey Script


This is an assignment completed while studying at Willem De Kooning Academie in the Netherlands. Using the original script from the film 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) by Stanley Kubric I created a reflective way to experience the original content of the film in book form by superimposing images of news events that occurred in 2001.

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Subject Matter - Experimental Type Project


An exploration of type and light turned into an inquity of how light interacts with matter. There are many debates online whether light can be matter and the arguments from both sides on physics formums became the center of attention in this booklet. The work aims to bring a sense of inquiry into facts that might seem obvious by mixing in quotes by scientists attesting to the problems with unanswered questions in science discourse.

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DJs Make Me Puke


This is a photo book created in class about nightlife in Vancouver. The images lead the reader through a night out, representing both the good and the bad. The work points to the excessive alcohol consumption in our live event culture.

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Tea Democracy


Tea Democracy is a revisitation of Eastern thinking and ideals through the scope of the Japanese tea ceremony. Its sober design reflects the discourse on modesty, respect, relativity, and simplicity as told by Kakuzo Okakura, the the author of The Book of Tea. It is contrasted with colourful inserts that contain contemporary news stories. Japanese stab binding.

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Type Specimen Miniposters


This was a series of four type specimen miniposters. 3 of the 4 miniposters use one font each. Included in each poster is the designers name, a short blurb about the font, each letter of the alphabet allong with some punctuation and is created in the original style and use (of the font) from its era of creation. The 4th poster (the blue one-"Vote") is a mix of all three fonts with contents and a style of our choosing.

Fonts used:
Berthold Akidenz Grotesque
Lynotype Aldus
Bauer Bodoni

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Raven and the Whale



This was a typography project to explore expressive typoraphy on the page in the format of a story book. I chose the Inuit story, Raven and the Whale.

Font used: Disturbance

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Making the Band


Printed poster of a personal collection. Project was to focus on detailed topography and layout.  I photographed this selection of musical instruments, labeled each instrument, and wrote a brief description for each one.

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Inspiare - Magazine


How / Photoshop CS4 & Indesign CS4

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Local Heroes - Cookbook


How / Illustrator CS4 & Indesign CS4

This was created for my typography class. We were to design the cover, layouts, and style of certain sections of this cookbook as we interpreted its personality. I felt this cookbook, titled ‘Local Heroes’, along with its chapter headings and descriptions, presented itself as friendly, genuine, uplifting, and most of all, fresh. Everything from the color palates to type was chosen to convey this atmosphere. The layouts and color are playful and stimulating, while the type treatments are also friendly and welcoming, yet without losing its dependablility.

(7 spreads)

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