
Haptic Harness


The haptic harness grew out of an investigation into movement instruction. Our primary question was whether a person could learn to move entirely through haptic communication, or vibrations against the skin. We developed this as a conceptual project, and set ourselves the task of building a flexible harness that would easily place up to 16 haptic buzzers on any part of the body, in order the test the potential of our interface. Our final deliverable included:

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Visa 2010 Olympic Competition



A collaboration between communication design and industrial design students for the 2010 Go World Visa Olympics Campaign in Vancouver.

The design is a combination inspired by Vancouver's iconic Canada Place and it's beautiful mountains, ocean waves and orca whales.

The design is constructed out of cardstock and assembled using no glue.

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Major General Albert Stubblebine III Type Poster



The only parameter in this typographic poster was the specific portrait size. David chose to use an excerpt from a speech delivered by Richard Dawkins at a TED conference concerning the case of Major General Albert Stubblebine III. Since the size of the poster is reminiscent of a door through the wall, it is suiting to be reading text recounting the failed attempts of a man trying to run through the wall. The visual design was inspired by the concept of treating white space like the spaces between atoms a concept that implies there is more space than matter in this universe. 

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'ZUAH' An Assistive Communication Device for people with Verbal Disabilities



'ZUAH'~ Is an assitive communication device for people who have lost the ability to speak (Often associated with MS or ALS disorders).  This device transmits pre-recorded messages (of the users former voice, or other human voice) to a speaker unit, based on the gesture during the conversation.  The device uses an excelerometer to monitor and transmit the movement and choose the approriate recording.  The device also contains a text window, so that the verbally impaired user can communicate more lengthy messages that have not been previously recorded.  In this instance, t

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