Digital Illustration
In our digital world, visual storytelling transcends traditional boundaries, reaching global audiences through websites, social media, mobile apps, animations, and video games. Learn how to apply storytelling principles to the digital canvas, turning your imagination into captivating visuals. Building on your foundation in Traditional Illustration, or as an exciting evolution of your drawing practice, you'll make a seamless transition from traditional media to industry-relevant digital tools. Explore an extensive array of brushes, textures, and effects, all while developing your skills in styles ranging from traditional to stylized and experimental. Alongside your peers, and led by expert instructors, discover new avenues of creative expression as you venture into character design, digital painting, concept art, and illustration for interactive applications.
Whether your dream is to create concept art for video games, design digital marketing materials that captivate audiences, or produce stunning digital comics, this course will set you up with the knowledge and hands-on experience to excel in the dynamic world of digital illustration.