
Nine X Nine



Nine by Nine is a furniture system designed specifically for sub-100sq/ft furnished rental apartments. It consists of a desk, two wardrobe units with two removable stand-alone drawers each, and a multi-purpose sidetable. Everything is made to be as visually open and light as possible, while still being durable enough to withstand multiple tenancies.

The system is flat-packable, inexpensive to produce, and uses locally sourced fir.


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AVIR is an indoor/outdoor folding chair designed collaboratively with 18 KARAT.

AVIR means 'air' in Hebrew.

AVIR is a very light, strong folding chair made with local species of Larch, and folds flat for storage. 


Designed by POPCORN DESIGN (Nick Ng, Michelle Tanner, Patrick Mcmanus, and Songhyun Kim)

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A smart custom designed furniture for Radio Emily.

MarkOnMe suggests transforming Radio Emily into the heart of music movement at Emily Carr, and creating the room as the landmark of the building as well. MarkOnMe creates an interesting intersection of creative art, and music movement of Radio Emily. The doodle boards that are embedded in the furniture are reversible drawing pads, which allow the users to unleash their visual creativity while being in the broadcasting environment. 

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Unifurn is an affordable furniture series for small space living.

Specifically designed for 90² feet suites in Vancouver.

Key focus of the project was to make a comfortable furniture series for the tenants to feel emotionally attached to the suites to encourage them to nest longer. 

Unifurn is a series of a modular bed frame +storage, a Book shelf+desk+bench, and a coat hanger+cupboard.



Collaborative project by design team Honey Badgers

(Ashleigh Begg, Fan Yu, Song Kim)

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Far Coast Outdoor Furniture Collection


A collaborative project between ECU Industrial Design and UBC CAWP (Center for Advanced Wood Production) where students were asked to design a set of outdoor furniture to be featured during the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. Far Coast (Coca Cola’s brand of coffee) asked the six teams of students to create a lounge chair, a community table and a side table to promote a socially engaging atmosphere. Each piece had to be  RTA (ready to assemble), constructed from blue pine wood and reflect the Far Coast brand.

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Two Bookmatched Cabinets



The vertical book-matched spalted maple planks are combined with mirror image geometric simple fir veneered boxes. Inside are two drawers and two shelves in one and one shelf in the other.

Once placed flat against a wall the angle of the legs prevents the boxes from tipping forward or sliding outward from the bottom.

My ego was inflated when Gord Peteran, five months after he saw them, said that he was still not sure about them.

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Wane Edge Maple and Steel Coffee Table


The red flame pattern around the knots was just too fantastic to pass up. Pairing it with the cold knife-edge steel seemed the way to go.

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Coalesce: Integrated Outdoor Seating


       The goal of this project is to introduce new life into a previously unused rooftop space. By designing outdoor benches and planters we hope to inject a sense of comfort and meaning to the space, while maintaining the distinct architectural style of the existing rooftop.

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A furniture piece for helping to facilitate the interactions between a parent with cerbral palsy and their young child. 

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