
H^6 (H to the power of six)



Third year core group project. The design is a interactive furniture system for children. The project allow us to explore the use of honey comb panels that provide beautiful solid wood effects without the heavy weight of solid wood. The result is a stackable system that have endless configurations and uses.

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New Monobloc


Transforming the common white plastic lawn chair

Through mass production, plastic lawn chairs have become so common and blended into our everyday environment. They are considered to be inferior, disposable pieces of furniture, if considered furniture at all. By taking in historic references from the antique and reducing those forms to their essences, the chair is given a new authority.

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Cuboid is a multifunctional furniture/landscape that was designed for the children in St. Barnabas Daycare. The research covered for this project included children’s ergonomics, and their psychology with play. The assembly of this piece encourages the children to use their creativity to make different constructions. At the same time, it promotes the interaction between the children by helping each other. Targeted at an environment with very limited space, the design was intended to serve more than one purpose to decrease the need to purchase more furniture. The main materials used are honeycombs and plywood as an environmental alternative to solid plywood. 


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Hexi is multifunctional furniture that allows for young children, 3 to 5 years of age, that are developing their problem solving and strategy skills
to play, imagine, build and rearrange.  Hexi promotes creativity, strategic skills, and comfort.  

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Urban: A modular seating system for modern living spaces



Living spaces are becoming smaller and more costly. The living room is the heart of the home and the couch is the biggest piece of furniture in the living room. This project provided opportunity to reconsider the functionality of a modern couch. The design intention is to create a seating system that can maximize usability in a limited space.

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Crazy Chair



Designed and built a chair that is both functional and dysfunctional.

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Infusion: Outdoor furniture for Far Coast Coffee


The chosen design to be mass manufactured for Far Coast’s (Coca Cola) social areas during the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. Specifically designed to further brand Far Coast and to create a socially inviting atmosphere. Infusion's asymmetrical design invites playfulness through its pattern elements, which allows for a variety of arrangements.

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Impulse Furniture Line for Far Coast Coffee (Coca-Cola)



A line of furniture made strictly of recovered Blue Beetle Kill Pine as part of a competition to be displayed in 2010 Winter Olympic venues around BC.

The forms are inspired by the stances of athletes before they embark upon competiton and the natural scenery of Vancouver's many peaks.

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Far Coast Coffee Furniture - Group 776


During the Spring 2009 semester, Far Coast Coffee (Coke-a-Cola brand coffee) asked Emily Carr industrial design students and UBC's Center for Advanced Wood Processing, to design a set of furniture to be used at the Vancouver 2010 Olympic games. Designers were only allowed to use blue pine wood, each design needed to be ready to assemble, and designs needed to follow Far Coast’s branding standards.

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