Guidelines for PC computers on and off campus

How to keep your PC safe while working on and off campus

If you're working on a PC computer on or off campus, please follow these guidelines from ITS to stay up to date with security protection.

Please note: these guidelines apply to PC computers only. They do not apply to Mac computers.

If you are working on a PC computer ON campus:

  • Do not turn off your computer. Leave it on all the time.
  • Restart your computer at least once each day you come to campus. (Either when you arrive, or just before you leave is fine).
  • If you see any PC computers turned off, please report the issue and IT Services will turn them back on.
  • If you require a change to the software or behavior of a shared computer (i.e a classroom or lab device), please submit a request.

If you are working on a PC computer OFF campus:

  • If you don’t turn off your computer at the end of each working day, then please do restart your computer at least once every working day.
  • Please connect to ECU VPN for as long as you can each working day (in some situations, certain services may work better when the computer is not connected to VPN).

Please contact us any time if you have question or general request.