Emily Carr University Research Ethics Board (ECU-REB)
Emily Carr University promotes a high standard of ethics and integrity in research and scholarship.
All university-affiliated research involving human participants requires prior review and approval from the Emily Carr University Research Ethics Board (ECU-REB).
The ECU-REB works in compliance with the Tri-Council Policy Statement on Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans, (TCPS 2, 2022) and the Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research (2021).
To comply with these standards, all Emily Carr University Researchers who embark on human participant research are required to complete the TCPS2:CORE 2022 (Course on Research Ethics) before receiving research ethics approval for their research.
In 2022 the ECU-REB prepared the statement, In a Good Way: Principles Guiding Indigenous Research Ethics at Emily Carr University. All researchers whose work involves Indigenous people, communities, territories, and topics are advised to read this statement along with Chapter 9 in the TCPS2.
Apply for Research Ethics Approval
The Emily Carr University Research Ethics Board (ECU-REB) receives applications for review from Emily Carr faculty members, staff, undergraduate and graduate students, and external researchers who are conducting research that involves humans at Emily Carr University.
Projects that need approval from more than one research ethics board in BC are eligible for a single review by the Provincial Research Ethics Platform (PREP). PREP is used by all BC health authorities, most research universities, and most colleges. It allows researchers to submit a single ethics application regardless of the number of BC jurisdictions involved in a project. Information on PREP is available here or by contacting ethics@ecuad.ca . Projects that have approval from REBs outside of BC do not need to complete the full application. Approved applications, supporting documents, and approval certificates can be uploaded for review onto the ROMEO - Researcher Portal (select the "Multi-Jurisdictional Research Ethics Application").