Artists' Books





BC Libraries Cooperative: Notification of Privacy Breach - On April 25, 2024, the BC Libraries Cooperative notified Emily Carr University (ECU) that the organization had experienced a cybersecurity attack, resulting in a privacy breach. The attack impacted the Cooperative’s Integrated Library System (ILS), which provides the ECU Library with various services such as support for managing, cataloguing, and circulating library materials.

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The Artists’ Books collection encompasses books conceived, crafted, published, produced or altered by an artist, designer or collective with the intention of creating an independent art work. The collection brings together a diversity of approaches in production ranging from self-published artists’ books, hand-printed limited editions to more formal, hardcover publications. While current collection development has focused on contemporary, limited edition print publications that exemplify the burgeoning collaboration occurring between designers, typographers, visual artists, poets, writers, curators and publishers, the collection maintains an emphasis on conceptual artists’ books from the 1960s to present.

To find out more about the collection please see the Artists’ Books Research Guide. At this time, access to items in the collection is available by appointment only. If you are interested in using the Artists' Books Collection please contact Ana Diab to arrange a time or fill out the form below.

Artists’ Books Viewing Request Form