


This collapsable chair was produced for 18 Karat, a local furniture boutique. Made from locally sourced wood species of Larch with my teamates Omar Qubain and Simona Hruskova. Part of the project was a trip into Nelson, meeting the people that plant, harvest and process our wood, to inform our design. 


Asetically we strove for movement, weightlessness created by square legs, echoed by the seat and the back.  

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Node - Ideration 2


The second ideration of Node, made with aircraft ply and fashioned so that the user can easily adjust the amount of light that is hitting their workspace by changing the tention of the pullcord coming out of the bottom of 'node'.

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ad Containum



This is a project that my group made in the Wood Workshop course instructued by Christian Blyt. 

Ad Containum is 3mm thick, made up of 50 pieces of veneer plywood, 25 on each side. It is a vessel that contains objects such as fruit, keys, note pads, and wallet. Ad Contanium has two different wood finishes. Depending on customers' preference, they can choose a side to be interior and another side to be exterior. One bend will form ad Containum's structure, and we have also given customer the right to create a shape that they like. 

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AVIR is an indoor/outdoor folding chair designed collaboratively with 18 KARAT.

AVIR means 'air' in Hebrew.

AVIR is a very light, strong folding chair made with local species of Larch, and folds flat for storage. 


Designed by POPCORN DESIGN (Nick Ng, Michelle Tanner, Patrick Mcmanus, and Songhyun Kim)

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A smart custom designed furniture for Radio Emily.

MarkOnMe suggests transforming Radio Emily into the heart of music movement at Emily Carr, and creating the room as the landmark of the building as well. MarkOnMe creates an interesting intersection of creative art, and music movement of Radio Emily. The doodle boards that are embedded in the furniture are reversible drawing pads, which allow the users to unleash their visual creativity while being in the broadcasting environment. 

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Unifurn is an affordable furniture series for small space living.

Specifically designed for 90² feet suites in Vancouver.

Key focus of the project was to make a comfortable furniture series for the tenants to feel emotionally attached to the suites to encourage them to nest longer. 

Unifurn is a series of a modular bed frame +storage, a Book shelf+desk+bench, and a coat hanger+cupboard.



Collaborative project by design team Honey Badgers

(Ashleigh Begg, Fan Yu, Song Kim)

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 Float is the experimental design outcome from a third year “new wood materials” class. A class dedicated to emphasize hands-on exploration of wood matters , alternate production processes or techniques surrounding unconventional wood matters. We had the opportunity to work with reconstituting wine cork stoppers collected locally by the company Cork It.

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multimedia self portrait


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Violin ,luthier, vancouver



Maple / Englemann spruce / Ebony

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Viola (Alto), luthier, vancouver



Maple / European spruce / Ebony

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