
H^6 (H to the power of six)



Third year core group project. The design is a interactive furniture system for children. The project allow us to explore the use of honey comb panels that provide beautiful solid wood effects without the heavy weight of solid wood. The result is a stackable system that have endless configurations and uses.

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Kalu - luminaire



For the class new wood material, we were researching and experienmenting with new ways to work with wood. Our intention was to create a carbon fibre woven-like material using wood and natural binders. We then applied this fabric over a mold to create a three dimensional form

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woodturned spalted maple bowl with inlay


Spalted maple wood turned bowl on a general 260-1 variable speed lathe with turned custom inlay.

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Spalted maple wood turned bowl

Grand Cru: Wine Bottle Holder


this project: bent intention evoked us to take a 2-D form and by putting stress on it creating a 3-dimensional form. The result is an elegant wine bottle holder that is self-supporting. The special feature of this piece is that the aircraft plywood is achieving a two way bend on one single and simple cutout, which is pushing the boundaries of the material. 

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Windmill: Spelling Blocks for Children


Windmill is an interactive puzzle play piece intended to allow children to practice spelling and pronunciation through the act of play. The wooden blocks has magnets embedded in them, and by using the four different sides, children can build, create and spell at the same time!

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