grad project

LINK: An inflatable life vest for in-water sports


If you participate in a water sport where you are in, and sometimes under the water, you don’t have a viable life vest option. LINK is a performance life vest designed specifically for in-water activities that aims to increase life vest usage. 


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Tea and Fairy Cakes: Porcelain Lunchbox for Lolitas


A lunch container that takes a bit of nostalgic, elegant lifestyle and makes it practical for everyday use.

Users: the Lolita fashion community is a group of young women who aspire to live like a Victorian lady or Marie Antoinette. Lolita fashion is feminine, nostalgic, and luxurious.Lolitas are primarily high school students who bring their lunch to school using cheap, ugly plasticware. This lunchbox provides a beautiful and sustainable alternative to disposable plastic containers and fits in with the feminine and nostalgic look of Lolita fashion.

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Woven is an online tool aimed to improve access to essential online resources for low-income individuals with limited computer literacy skills.
The project encompassed a process of research, summary of research, visual research, conceptualization, and concept development and execution.

Try the prototype:

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A Tale of Two Seasons


Laundry basics haven’t changed over time but changes in technology today make them more important than ever to understand. The exchange of this knowledge is absent in today's society. A Tale of Two Seasons is a senior thesis project aimed at educating the everyday fashionista on how to care for their clothing. This book is a resource of knowledge intended to empower and give individuals who love clothing control over their condition. A Tale of Two Seasons presents a seasonal outlook on clothing care, fabric knowledge, monthly tasks, stain removal, storage and seasonal transition tips.

If you are interested in learning more please visit my process blog: How to Care for Your Clothes,  linked to the right of this page.

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We Are All Alone


"We Are All Alone" is a first semester grad project that is designed to be a package of materials that promotes the idea that solitude is okay, even in a modern world.  It includes a publication of selected written works, with illustrations to go with each narrative, as well as several tools for using the ideas found in the book in daily life, and to spread them to others.

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Open Kitchen Restaurant—Grad Project


33% of the average B.C food budget is now spent on restaurant food, the highest rate of eating out in the country. —Ronald Colman, Cost of Obesity in British Columbia 

With increasing rate of obesity and overweight in our BC's population, the question becomes how can we get people to step in their kitchen and start cooking again.

So the idea is, why don’t we provide these people a platform where they can enjoy cooking and eating while socializing with families and friends. Open Kitchen Restaurant is a one of a kind restaurant where customers are invite to cook their own meals. The interior and menu / recipe are design to facilitate cooking and conversation between customers.

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Avanti K1


The K1 is a complete redesign of the manual rigid framed wheelchair done in collaboration with Dean Bennett. Together we are Avanti Mobility.

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a lovely chair



Still in the works, this project entitled "a lovely chair" is a two-semester long industrial design graduation project. The concept behind "a lovely chair" is simple, and so is it's function - it is a seat. As the name would suggest, everything about this chair is meant to be "lovely", from form, to function to experience, which means that every detail is carefully considered, from the types of wood joinery to materials chosen for the seat.

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