grad project

Body Talk


Body Talk is a collaboration grad project between myself and a fellow communication design student, Andrea Husky. Both from personal experience and from talking to our peers over the years that Vancouver has a bit of a sociability problem. Through initial secondary research our suspicions turned out to be true and we discovered that Vancouver is perceived as a cold and unfriendly city, both by locals and outsiders. This made us sad so we set out to find a way to approach this situation.

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Qora Smart Glove - Reconnecting Partners After a Stroke


Qora Smart Glove is system to reconnect partners who experience a stroke. We began this project by looking at how people learn about objects by grasping them. While you gain knowledge by looking at the object, and feeling the weight in your hand, there is a wealth of other information that is missing in this interaction. 

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Zodiac Herb Garden Kit


The Zodiac Herb Garden Kit is a first semester grad project. The kit ecourages gardening newbies to get involved in the urban agriculture movement by first growing a personalized indoor herb garden.

A series of 12, each kit contains the seeds of herbs that have useful properties that are particularly affecting for people of specific star signs. For example, the kit featured here is The Libra Garden and contains Lemon Balm, Bergamot, and Thyme seeds.

Each kit contains the seeds, wood plant labels, and a booklet that provides simplified instruction on how to successfully grow the herbs from seed, as well as information about the medicinal properties of each herb and the ways you can use them.

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An Introduction to Core Belief Engineering


As my first semester's senior project, my goal was to take a complex psychotherapy treatment, Core Belief Engineering, and present it in a way that made the practice accessible to new clients and practitioners. Through illustration and information architecture, the result was a comprehensive guide introducing the reader to the field of belief change therapy. 

If you'd like to see the method to my madness, please check out my process blog

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Prescription Drug Label Redesign



My 4th year senior design project, which aims to re-design the way we handle prescription drug labeling in Canada. 

Inspired by Deborah Adler and her journey to design a new drug container and label as her major thesis project. I decided to set out to do a similar project for use in Canada.

The main redesign focuses on keeping everything low cost and easy for adoption. The design utilizes a similar footprint as the current drug labels being printed, but now there is a heirarchy established through contrast in type weight and size.

All these simple changes combine in a big way to make reading drug labels much simpler and streamlined.

Information where you want it, when you need it.

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Connected is a website targed to youth who may have questions about mental health. I developed the website in Wordpress and can be viewed here.

Process book and research summary can be downloaded here.

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Washington State Parks: A Revitilization Campaign



For my senior project I created an advertising campaign for Washington State Parks, and organization I grew up with--being the daughter of a ranger. Washington State Parks have struggled with the recent economic downturn, with the lack of funding resulting in a risk of park closures.

I have developed a possible advertising campaign and website that targets younger urbanites. Young people are the next generation that will need to support parks, yet they are often distracted by media. Using a sense of humor and confidence, we can assure park amateurs that parks are indeed a fantastic way to spend leisure time, and almost challenges them to make the visit.

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Just Grow with It - Break free of your comfort zone


Just Grow With It
Guidance for growing out of your comfort zone.

Many become stuck in a rut. They remain content to stay as they are, complacent and safe. Our set of limits, our boundaries beyond which we will not normally step is a very powerful force, with many internal and deeply rooted psychological components. Fear of the unknown and fear of failure are the major inhibiting culprits. The harder we fight change and try to resist it, the more difficult it is to break through our current comfort zone and move forward.

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Project Fabrica is one of my Graduation project at Emily Carr University. It was showcased in the 2011 Emily Carr Degree Exhibition.

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