


Connected is a website targed to youth who may have questions about mental health. I developed the website in Wordpress and can be viewed here.

Process book and research summary can be downloaded here.

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BRAVADO Magazine — High gloss pixels


In the Fall Semester of 2011, I redesigned the website for BRAVADO Magazine and performed a full Wordpress implementation for Evan Goodfellow and his staff. The design of the website involved concept development, paper-prototyping, development of HTML, CSS, jQuery, and PHP for Wordpress implementation. The theme BRAVADO now runs on is custom to suit their content. Much thanks to Evan and the crew at BRAVADO.

You can checkout the live site here:

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Access 2011 conference


Access is a prominent Canadian librarian conference. It is where librarians converge to talk about sharing information and data to the general public. Access 2011 was hosted in Vancouver. This project was a collaboration between Sarah Kozlowski and myself. 

Our concept for the identity looks to older traditions and how they have been updated with a contemporary twist, to compliment a similar trend currently occuring in libraries. Our main inspiration was the crafting movement, specifically cross stitching. These librarians are taking information from our past and making it contemporary, much like artisans. 

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re:play - a social website



Re:play is an sister site for saving and sharing sources used for projects with the creative community.

Co-owner and Architect,
responsible for user experience, personas, scenarios, task flow, information architecture, strategic plan and advocacy.

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We Are Adoption


As my thesis for my first semester Grad Project, I wanted to look at the adoption community and see if there were ways through design, improvements could be made.

With and original focus on alleviating anxieties in prospective adoptive parents, I came to the conclusion that the community construct needed to be re-thought, and approached with new eyes.

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FACE (CAFAD Re-Design)


CAFAD Re-Design

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[ah.mazing] --- Interactive Flash Website Prototype



Website Prototype:

This is an exercise of interactive flash website. In this assignment, I was aiming to explore different unique ways that users might interact with the content of the website.(Contents are merely place holders).

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BC Children's Hospital Website



This project was our 3rd year Core Studio project. The goal was to redesign the BC Children's Hospital Website. 

Working in partnership with David Aitken, we developped this site, that includes the traditional resources for Children's Hosptial as well a new Symptom Checker. 

We reorganized concept and approached the navigation of the site from an airport way-finding model. The idea being only the information needed at any given moment is offered. This requires a fine balance making this content heavy site an intriguing challenge.

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BCCH Website re-design


A project undertaken during CORE design studio. A re-design that addressed the problem of exposing the emergency hotline, navigation, and aesthetics. A collaboration with Yuri R. My responsibilities included: Site Map simplification, Graphic elements, Flash slideshow and navigation.

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A third year level project goal who's goal was to illustrate the environmental concern over the declining salmon population in BC described using information graphics. 

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