
Alcuin Award Event Poster


The Alcuin Society is a voluntary association of people who care about the past, present and future of fine books.The Society’s two main goals are to promote a wider appreciation of books and reading and to support excellence in book design and production.

This poster was created to promote the society's prestigious award event known as the Alcuin Society Awards for Exellence in Book Design in Canada.

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The Exchange Show 2010



A brand for an art show featuring the works of students who had recently completed student exchange programs. A concept for branding was created in collaboration with Nicole Pizarro and Yuriy Rzhemovskiy. Photos were collected from participants from their exchanges, and placed into 3/4 squares, representing the unfinished feeling of an exchange student. Each image is captioned with the location of each photograph, and each shape is oriented on a virtual compass to point from Vancouver to that location. The final concept featured invitations, screen-printed and digitally printed posters, exhibition design and motion graphics.

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An 18" x 24" poster describing and organizing a number of components commonly used in electronic prototyping, and includes a handy diagram of Ohm's Law and references to other uses of the word "ohm".

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Expressive Type Poster


This project was to design an Expressive Type poster based on a choice of song, utilizing 2 typefaces from different time periods.

The typefaces I used were Scala Sans and Mrs. Eaves, and song choice was 'Don't know why' by Norah Jones.

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A poster based on a visual rhetoric project, where I was given the word "hyperbole" to illustrate. The word is demonstrated through mimicking a classifieds advertisement page from a newspaper, placing a bold exaggerated statement as the focus to emphasize the information needed to be conveyed (an exhibition).

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Major General Albert Stubblebine III Type Poster



The only parameter in this typographic poster was the specific portrait size. David chose to use an excerpt from a speech delivered by Richard Dawkins at a TED conference concerning the case of Major General Albert Stubblebine III. Since the size of the poster is reminiscent of a door through the wall, it is suiting to be reading text recounting the failed attempts of a man trying to run through the wall. The visual design was inspired by the concept of treating white space like the spaces between atoms a concept that implies there is more space than matter in this universe. 

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WWF Campaign


A poster series for WWF, a non-profit organization. Raising awareness of the endangered species was the focus. 

The image is comical in that the scenario is ridiculous; however, it is an accurate reflection of how many view the what it takes to preserve wildlife.  It is a wake up call, greater action must be taken.

Poster : 11" x 17"

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Lykke Li Concert Poster


One week quick project to create a concert poster for a favourite artist.

For this project, I picked Lykke Li, a Swedish indie singer. Her lyrics portray her experience and often revolve around being a girl. Her songs have instruments like triangles that add a girly feeling. With this in mind, I started to listen to each instrument part in the song called "Little Bit". The illustrations in the poster are a collage of my interpretation of each instrument that played.

Poster : 11" x 17"

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Alcuin Awards Poster


As an in-class exercise, we were asked to design a typographic poster for the Alcuin Awards for Excellence in Book Design, hosted by Emily Carr University in October 2010. Inspired by the look and feel of traditional fabric book covers, I created a poster which reinforces the importance of the awards in a simple, yet elegant way.

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The Internationale!


Wood Type Poster

The goal is to make a Wood Type Poster that takes away attention from a distance (which is the purpose of Wood Type Posters). I applied the style of traditional Communist Propaganda posters to the contemporary design.

50x17 inch

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