



Scarves blow in the wind like prayer flags with messages of remembrance and calls to end violence against women. At a remembrance ceremony on December 6th, 2009 in Vancouver, women and men literally wear their hearts on their sleeves to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Montreal Massacre at L'Eole Polytechnique as well as to remember women and children murdered everywhere. Video by Moira Simpson

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an interactive wearable



Along with a fellow classmate, we made a prototype of Sound Sleeves, an interactive, wearable beat system. Using simple sensor technology from the LEGO Mindstorm Kit, we aimed to converge natural dance movements with live musical beats.

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Trilogy CD Case


CD cover design for Yota Kobayashi's Trilogy, a music album about the passing of a loved one, and the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
Model: Richard Tran

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Electronic Metronome: Products with Personality



Products with Personality Project: redesign a product, and make it more personable (Core Design Studio III with Jim Budd).

The metronome beats through a speaker in the dog’s chest. Tempo is controlled by a knob representing the dog’s eye. A switch on the dog’s collar turns the device on and off. 

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Paint Looper



Group InteractiveToy project for Core Design IV. The Lego Mindstorm kit was used to prototype an interactive children's toy. The Kit also introduced our class to sensor technologies and programming languages. 

The Paint Looper's actions are triggered by instruments. After a sensor inside the instrument has been activated, a resulting action is triggered (eg. paint is pushed through plastic syringes onto a previously activated spinning canvas). 

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Many Moons Poster



Typographic poster based on my interpretation of the song Many Moon by Janelle Monae. First direction reflects the classy vintage, art nouveau quality of the song opening, and the second direction is the funky, energetic pop of the main tune.

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Visuals for a electro party


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CD Wolfgirl


Canadian Metis Prairieanna

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