
PLAKAT: Poster for the Poster


This poster was created with the Weltformat 11 Plakat Festival in mind, an international student poster competition rooted in Germany. In 2011, the theme of the competition was "Poster for the Poster".

The design was inspired by the expressive and communicative nature of posters and the International Typographic Style.

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Elysium Print Publication


This print publication features the author Sean Labrador Y Manzano’s article called Elysium: Where are we when the wild things are?. I created this publication with hand-drawn illustrations to reflect the narrative and emotions experienced in the article. The content the author expressess are evocative, layered thoughts that taps in to the psychology of his emotions and characteristics. This inspired the art direction of this publication to be adaptations of the rorschach inkblot cards.The feature pages of reflective thoughts are printed on vellum and illustrations are created with watercolours and ink. 

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Gordon's Park Eco Resort is a unique outdoor destination and dark sky preserve on Manitoulin Island in Tehkummak Ontario. Offering wilderness campsites, astronomy, bird watching, wildlife viewing, star parties, summertime calendar of events and much more. 

This project was an event campaign for Gordon's Park's event "Meteors, Northern Lights and the Heavens Above". The concept designed for this event was "A Different Kind of Dark", contrasting the night sky of urban cities with the unparalled dark sky of Gordon's Park. Collateral included posters, handbills, mail-out invitations and window decals/installations.


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Evolve Typography Specimens Book


Evolve is a type specimen book about three eras of typographic specimens. These three type specimen spreads demonstrate the use of type and layout that reflected upon a specific time period that the typeface orginates from. This project showcases the various eras of typographic styles and composition that ranged from the baroque, industrial and neohumanist eras that features Janson, Clarendon and Scala Sans.

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Paradise: Expressive Type


The poster makes use of typography to express the lyrics from the song Paradise by Coldplay. 

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The Hunger Artist


This is a type-only book of the story The Hunger Artist by Franz kafka. Dynamic display types are used to express the emotions of the main character in the story. The bright colors create a sarcastic presentation of the hunger of the artist.

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A Fine Specimen



This publication is a series of type specimens that reflect the historical context in which they were produced, while infusing a personal perspective and style onto each. 

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Writing Dirty


Writing Dirty is a collection of erotic stories that I sourced from an online blog called "Writing Dirty" written by Jack Stratton. I wanted this monograph to be very tactile and textural. I used mine and other people's body parts to make prints on paper. 

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La Strada Per Il Tuo Cuore



I made this poster for a publication design class with Jen Eby. We had to create a poster around a collection of things and I chose pasta because its delicious (obviously) and comes in so many different shapes and sizes. 


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We had to re-imagine an existing magazine, book, website, etc. and change its visual language and/or medium for a typography class with Peter Cocking. I chose BOP Magazine, a trashy teenie bopper magazine which has misguided advice on how to talk to your crush as well as boring gossip about tween stars I've never even heard of. It was fun. 

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