
Mozilla Foundation – Learning, Freedom and the Web


I was one of a team of Emily Carr faculty and students who rose to the challenge, investigating different technology options for creating an ebook that would reflect Mozilla's core principles. That meant building an ebook that could work on iPads and Android tablets, desktop computers and smartphones, and that could be distributed for free. A simple PDF was one option, but it didn't take advantage of the navigation and multimedia opportunities a tablet could provide.

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BRAVADO Magazine — High gloss pixels


In the Fall Semester of 2011, I redesigned the website for BRAVADO Magazine and performed a full Wordpress implementation for Evan Goodfellow and his staff. The design of the website involved concept development, paper-prototyping, development of HTML, CSS, jQuery, and PHP for Wordpress implementation. The theme BRAVADO now runs on is custom to suit their content. Much thanks to Evan and the crew at BRAVADO.

You can checkout the live site here:

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Applied Arts



Our world is becoming increasingly urbanized and interconnected. YVR Airport served as a relevant backdrop for articles about global thinking, information overload, the ethical responsibilities of designers, and the possibilities of working together. The images taken, typographic selections, colors, rules, etc. are all abstractions of the content written within the articles. Images are placed to challenge our perceptions of space and to illustrate the scope of our current global situation. The content provided for me by Applied Arts spoke of the future.


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Human emotions vary between different types of environments. We can be confused and scared in one scenario or we can even be full of happiness in another. The purpose of this work is to create a three dimensional space in which users can interact with and feel emotion. Sheets of corrugated cardboard are put together into a structure that will fit a limited space such that it can be taken apart and flat-packed.

The Nycbophobic cage elicits fear as the user is enclosed in an unfamiliar setting in which the user is isolated and confined from the outer world.

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  Melopad offers a different experience letting kids making their own music.    It comes with 8 colors of pads which produce 1 of the 8 pitches found in the major scale. The brain of this product is NXT and color sensors are used as the primary sense of device. The user assembles a personalized path. Using the limited number of tiles, user is required to form patterns creating the shortest routes to the right pitch. The concept is letting the user interact with music using the body; with movements such as walking, jumping and circling.

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Rembrain is an electronic RFID memory aid that tells a person whether or not they have items like their keys as they walk out the door. Using sound, colour and images the device seeks to help those with short term memory loss function independently.

RFID tags are attached to the user's wallet, keys and phone. An RFID reader is activated when the door is opened and recognizes whether the tagged objects are on the user as they leave home. If an item is missing the user is notified.

Concept Video:

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Relationship between People and Mobile or Wearable Technology

Experimenting and then working with the LEGO Mindstorms, my partner, Erin Wormsbecker and I created a prototype of a blanket that is a mobile technology for children afraid of the dark. The blanket has a light that will activate when the child hugs the blanket and it will stay lit for a few seconds before slowly fading out. Besides that, when the child presses the two bottom corners of the blanket, two different lullabies will play.


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SonicSight for Dogs


SonicSight is a sensor-equipped head halter that enables blind dogs to navigate more easily without running into things. The placement, range and feedback were developed using co-creation with both humans and dogs. My own dog tested SonicSight while blindfolded and was able to navigate without running into objects placed in his path.

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ReCite: A Location-based Application


ReCite is an application designed to deliver media content based on the users’ location- it provides the user with pleasant surprises as they go about their day.

From the Press Release:

“The application will showcase the work of prominent local cultural producers including Emily Carr University faculty and students, providing an opportunity for them to connect to a locally engaged public. ReCite will be a celebration of Vancouver, and other future cities’, arts and culture.”

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CanGuide Application Design


Canguide was developed while on Exchange at the HfG Scwäbisch Gmünd, with input from a number of Cancer survivors. It has a variety of features which allow patients to track information and manage tasks that are essential to their health, but are not directly part of their medical care. This includes tracking of pain severity and length, times and kinds of medication taken, tracking emotional state through a diary feature and managing the preparation of appropriate meals through the recipe feature.

Wireframes and concept sketching. Pages built with Fireworks and online prototype assembled with tutorial- html, css, php.


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